Luckily for you, I can highlight a few that are of exceptional quality. I'll go over each one in alphabetical order as well as recommending a post or two and, if the description interests you, you can visit them to get a better idea of their blog.
Body Transformation by Carter Schoffer:6 quality blogs. I hope you all enjoy reading the authors' posts.
- Carter is easily one of the best in the field of fitness and a personal favorite of mine. If you ever visited the Precision Nutrition forums and see his posts, you'd wholly agree. Likewise, his blog on BT is a nice change of pace from the typical popular thought on training and nutrition. I have yet to find another who writes as concise and well as him. He's always dead on.
ChAoS & PAIN by Jamie Lewis:
- Posts of interest: Dissecting barbell complexes and making tea taste better & supercharging it
- This guy is something else. He makes the guys over at T-Nation look like gentlemen. His writing is aggressive, crude, and obscene. You may get turned off right away. But judging anything on a superficial level is silly. After I took the time to read his posts, I could definitely see he knows a lot. His methods and philosophy are unconventional and give a fresh & new view on fitness compared to concepts already extensively - and repeatedly - discussed by others.
My Tree of Life (Just One Step at a time) by Harry Hollines:
- Posts of interest: Metabolic Typing Around the World and 5 Essential Lifts
- I'm sure my blog resonates with the distaste I have for runners. There's nothing wrong with running, but those who take it up without proper knowledge of technique, footwear, and inadequate recovery & strength training make my brain want to explode. Enter Harry. A seasoned runner with a great deal of experience. He discusses runs, races, minimalist footwear, pacing, and anything related to running. I'm pretty sure Harry is every professional trainer's ideal runner. A well-balanced athlete listening to their body and refining it with every experience.
Nick Grantham by, well, Nick Grantham:
- Posts of interest: Concrete/asphalt surfaces, use of arms for efficiency, and strength from feet
- Nick hails from the UK and works with a wide array of athletes. Not only that, but he writes above and beyond the base information of fitness and shares his own knowledge from personal experience on working with athletes as well as being a trainer. His posts are unique, thorough, and are filled with invaluable material.
Precision Nutrition by the PN team
- Posts of interest: Reverse periodization and influence over past 10 years
- The wonderful folks at Precision Nutrition are consistently putting up articles on various fitness subjects and making studies understandable to anyone. They cover a lot. I enjoy their blog for the simple fact that they go out of their way to examine topics as thoroughly as possible. This truly helps any individual to be able to read it without being left confused.
Squat Rx by Boris Bachmann
- Posts of interest: Hell anything they have, but check out 7 Thyroid Issues Your Doc Likely Missed and 10 Signs You Need A New Trainer for starters.
- First, if you're not familiar with his comprehensive Youtube series on squatting, go watch them here. Not only does Boris make bad ass "Skwat" t-shirts - which I'll be wearing proudly around school - but he writes in a style that is able to connect training and philosophy creating something marvelous. He's the only one from this group - from what I can tell - who also uses kettlebells.
- Posts of interest: Mirrors, Buddhism lesson for training, and pullovers for swimming
Maybe one day my own writing, after much fine tuning, will be as good as theirs.
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